
Providing a safer, cleaner, and more aesthetically appealing Downtown that residents and visitors will enjoy, means maintaining services to create the environment we want to see. To do this, we’ve hired Ambassadors who will move around Downtown pressure washing, providing trash removal, and conducting other activities to ensure a Downtown we’re all proud of.


Our Clean Team consistently deals with maintenance issues within the Downtown Merced Property Owners Association by providing cleaning and maintenance services as listed below.

This includes…

  • Sidewalk Maintenance

  • Trash Collection

  • Graffiti Removal

  • Sidewalk Pressure Washing

  • Landscape Maintenance

Community Engagement

The Community Engagement Team will provide safety services for individual parcels located within the DMPOA in the form of walking, bike or vehicle patrols. The purpose of this team is to supplement, not replace, other ongoing City police, security, and patrol efforts within the DMPOA.

This includes…

  • Building relationships with the unhoused population

  • Suggesting and coordinating services for unhoused individuals

  • Deterring vandalism and graffiti

  • Reporting illegal activities

Let’s make Merced better.

Are you a business or property owner within this district and have a need we can fulfill in Downtown Merced? Contact us to get started.